Building a Second Brain
A Proven Method to Organize Your Digital Life and Unlock Your Creative Potential

In this information age, we are overloaded with information. Approximately 34 Gb of information is processed by the average person every day, according to the New York Times. It is simply too much for one brain to handle. The idea of a “second brain” is to give our minds enough space to be more creative and fulfilling.
There is no need to remember everything. You’re probably already taking notes, but if they’re not organized and you don’t know how to use them, this book can help. Different criteria can be used to categorize these notes based on their usefulness. A note-taking system should be easily accessible and organized in a way that allows you to refer back to it, elaborate on it, and add to it at any time.
Besides taking notes digitally, I also keep a physical journal. Some of my favourite apps are:
This book is a useful read for people who are struggling with digital clutter or who are trying to become more productive or creative. However, I agree with others that it really could have been a medium-sized blog post.
Listen to: Modern Wisdom #074 - Tiago Forte - The Definitive Guide To Digital Productivity | Modern Wisdom #501 - Tiago Forte - Supercharged Effortless Productivity
Other useful resources : Building a Second Brain: The Illustrated Notese | Talks at Google: Tiago Forte - Building a Second Brain | Confronting my Productivity Guru - Tiago Forte